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Showing posts from July, 2017

Face completion with a multi-output estimators using Python scikit-learn

This example shows the performances of extremely randomized trees, k nearest neighbors, linear regression, and ridge regression in model estimation and prediction for face completion, i.e. predicting the lower half of a face given the upper half. The dataset is "fetch_olivetti_faces" coming from sklearn library. From scikit-learn library, we should import: extremely randomized trees: ensemble.ExtraTreeRegressor k nearest neighbors: neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor linear regression: linear_model.LinearRegression ridge regression: linear_model.RidgeCV The example code is as follows: # face completion print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import fetch_olivetti_faces from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV