An Example using Zillow Data
In order to identify outliers (outlying Y), we can take look at the values of semistudentized residuals, studentized residuals, studentized deleted residuals.
a. semistudentized residuals: $\frac{e_i}{\sqrt{MSE}}$.
b. studentized residuals: $\frac{e_i}{\sqrt{MSE(1-h_{ii})}}$, where $h_{ii}$ is diagonal element of Hat matrix.
c. studentized deleted residuals: $d_i = Y_i - \hat{Y_{i(i)}} = \frac{e_i}{1-h_{ii}}$, redo the regression without observation i, to get $MSE_{(i)}$, so that $s^2\{d_i\} = MSE_{(i)}(1+X'_i(X'_{(i)}X_{(i)})^{-1}X_i)=\frac{MSE_{(i)}}{1-h_{ii}}$
$t_i = \frac{d_i}{s\{d_i\}}=\frac{e_i}{\sqrt{MSE_{(i)}(1-h_{ii})}}\sim t(n-p-1)$
Outlying X (leverage) can be identified by using Hat matrix. An observation is usually considered to be a leverage if $h_{ii} > 2p/n$. Another suggested guideline is that $h_{ii}$ exceeding 0.5 indicates very high leverage, whereas between 0.2 and 0.5 indicates moderate leverage.
Influential cases can be identified by DFFITS, Cook's Distance, or DFBETAS.
a. DFFITS: $\frac{hat{Y}_i - \hat{Y}_{i(i)}}{\sqrt{MSE_{(i)}h_{ii}}}=t_i(\frac{h_ii}{1-h_{ii}})^{1/2}$. We suggest considering a case influential if the absolute value of DFFITS exceeds 1 for small to medium datasets and $2\sqrt{p/n}$ for large datasets.
b. Cook's Distance: $\frac{(\hat{Y}_i-\hat{Y}_{(i)})'(\hat{Y}_i-\hat{Y}_{(i)})}{pMSE}=\frac{e_i^2}{pMSE}[\frac{h_{ii}}{(1-h_{ii})^2}]$, relates to $F(p, n-p)$. It is considered to be little influence if less than 10% or 20%, and substantial influence if greater than 50%.
c. DFBETAS: $\frac{b_k-b_{k(i)}}{\sqrt{MSE_{(i)}c_{kk}}}$, where $c_{kk}$ is diagonal of $(X'X)^{-1}$. It is considered to be influential if absolute value greater than 1 or $2/\sqrt{n}$.
Robust regression is an important method for outlier influence remedial.
Now I wanna use a Zillow dataset about housing price as an example to show how to identify outliers, leverage, and influential points, and how to realize the robust regression by SAS. For the linear regression model, dependent variable is the log of housing price, independent variables are lot size, waterfront (0,1), age of the house, land value, new construct (0,1), central air (0,1), heat type (type 2, 3 and 4), living area, number of bedrooms, number of bathroom, and total number of rooms.
I use PROC REG to estimate this linear regression model, and save the studentized residuals, studentized deleted residuals, leverage, dffits, and cook's distance in a new output dataset "residual" by student, rstudent, h, dffits, and cookd options.
proc reg data=zillow plots=all;
model log_price = lot_size waterfront age land_value new_construct central_air heat_type3 heat_type4 living_area bedrooms bathrooms rooms / vif spec lackfit dwprob;
output out=residuals residual=resid student=stu_resid rstudent=del_resid h=leverage DFFITS=dfits cookd=cookd;
By the plots option at SAS PROC REG, we can get the outlier & leverage plot, DFFITS plot, and Cook's D plot as follows
Now I want to print out the outliers and count the number of outliers, using a guideline usually used that the absolute value of studentized residual greater than 2. In this case, there are 62 outliers.
proc print data=residuals;
var stu_resid del_resid leverage dfits cookd;
where abs(stu_resid) > 2;
proc sql;
select count(*) from residuals where abs(stu_resid) > 2;
The number of leverage and influential cases can also be counted by PROC SQL. In this case, there are 139 leverages and 91 influential points.
%let p = 12;
proc sql;
select count(*) into :n from zillow;
proc sql;
select count(*) from residuals where leverage > (2*(&p+1)/&n);
proc sql;
select count(*) from residuals where abs(dfits) > (2*sqrt((&p+1)/&n));
Then I want to use robust regression to deal with this datasets with lots of outliers and influential cases.
proc robustreg data=zillow method=m (wf=huber) plots=all;
model log_price = lot_size waterfront age land_value new_construct central_air heat_type3 heat_type4 living_area bedrooms bathrooms rooms / diagnostics;
output out = robust weight=wgt;
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Robust Regression |
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Linear Regression |
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